Our month-a-versary was earlier this week -- love you, Mr. Bruschetta! -- and my husband and I "celebrated" by vegging in front of the television. And the next night? Well, we relaxed and enjoyed some quality tube time together. (We're just gleeful about the new show we recently added to our rotation.) Tonight? Yup, a bit more TV watchin'.
Honestly, I'm surprised we've been this couch potato-y. True, there were plenty of times in the weeks leading up to our wedding -- when every. single. evening. was consumed with wedding crafts and vendor emails -- when I thought longingly of sitting back at night and just doing nothing together. I was also so focused on blogging, and frustratingly found I had more posts to share with the hive than time to write them. (Silver lining: I'll be writing my little heart out over the next few months, discussing everything from rehearsal dinner favors to Italy's tastiest trattorias.)
I didn't imagine I'd crash like this, though. I'd envisioned transitioning from a planning-focused fiancee to a much less stressed version of myself, still crafting and blogging with gusto -- and getting back into cooking more frequently, too! And, while I'm at it, why not get into photography! Yoga! Knitting! Heck, the sky's the limit! After all, I really wasn't much of a DIY-er until I found Weddingbee several months into our engagement -- and now have a Cuttlebug, embossing gun and a slew of other scrapbooking supplies to show for it.
But after our whirlwind wedding day and run 'em ragged honeymoon, we're tired. The stack of blank thank you notes mocks me every time I walk past our den, and while they remain unwritten, our wedding gifts are quietly biding their time in their boxes. (Oh, and on top of our still-to-be-sent expressions of gratitude, I've identified Newlywed Stressor #2: the unpleasant realization that our apartment doesn't seem quite big enough for us and all our shiny new kitchen goodies.)
My theory is that over the course of our 20-month engagement, I became so accustomed to being a bride-to-be -- drafting to-do lists, saving inspiration pictures and crafting my way through DIY projects -- that by comparison, this new wife life (and the freedom that comes with it) is, for someone like me who loves structure, a little scary. I don't know what to do with all the photography and wedding blogs I've collected in my Reader -- I'd welcome suggestions, though! -- and I'm slightly intimidated by the thought of crafting something that isn't orange or purple (our two main wedding colors). What other hues would I use?! (Unless I get focused fast and cough out a number of Halloween projects with these perfect-for-the-season shades.)
I'm terming it post-wedding exhaustion, with a side of post-wedding panic. (It's definitely not post-wedding depression, since I'm loving life and my husband, and we're both oh so happy with our chill nights in together.) Miss Lamb recently baaaa-ttled out a very similar issue when she wrote about people pleasing, and the role it's played in her wedding planning -- and I'm thinking it's coming into play here, at least in the back of my own mind. I mean, aren't I supposed to be savoring every moment of every day with my husband? Shouldn't I be the personification of marital bliss?
It's just that without a deadline looming in the distance, and a series of projects I've gotta complete by that date...well, I'm a little lost. And (at least for now) a lost Bruschetta feels right at home in front of the telly.
So, hive, can you help me get out of my rut? Married bees and readers: Anyone else experience something similar to what I'm describing here? If so, how did you shake these feelings and get on with life as normal? And to the to-be-married crew: What are you looking forward to doing post-wedding to fill the "no more planning!" void?
Honestly, I'm surprised we've been this couch potato-y. True, there were plenty of times in the weeks leading up to our wedding -- when every. single. evening. was consumed with wedding crafts and vendor emails -- when I thought longingly of sitting back at night and just doing nothing together. I was also so focused on blogging, and frustratingly found I had more posts to share with the hive than time to write them. (Silver lining: I'll be writing my little heart out over the next few months, discussing everything from rehearsal dinner favors to Italy's tastiest trattorias.)
I didn't imagine I'd crash like this, though. I'd envisioned transitioning from a planning-focused fiancee to a much less stressed version of myself, still crafting and blogging with gusto -- and getting back into cooking more frequently, too! And, while I'm at it, why not get into photography! Yoga! Knitting! Heck, the sky's the limit! After all, I really wasn't much of a DIY-er until I found Weddingbee several months into our engagement -- and now have a Cuttlebug, embossing gun and a slew of other scrapbooking supplies to show for it.
But after our whirlwind wedding day and run 'em ragged honeymoon, we're tired. The stack of blank thank you notes mocks me every time I walk past our den, and while they remain unwritten, our wedding gifts are quietly biding their time in their boxes. (Oh, and on top of our still-to-be-sent expressions of gratitude, I've identified Newlywed Stressor #2: the unpleasant realization that our apartment doesn't seem quite big enough for us and all our shiny new kitchen goodies.)
My theory is that over the course of our 20-month engagement, I became so accustomed to being a bride-to-be -- drafting to-do lists, saving inspiration pictures and crafting my way through DIY projects -- that by comparison, this new wife life (and the freedom that comes with it) is, for someone like me who loves structure, a little scary. I don't know what to do with all the photography and wedding blogs I've collected in my Reader -- I'd welcome suggestions, though! -- and I'm slightly intimidated by the thought of crafting something that isn't orange or purple (our two main wedding colors). What other hues would I use?! (Unless I get focused fast and cough out a number of Halloween projects with these perfect-for-the-season shades.)
I'm terming it post-wedding exhaustion, with a side of post-wedding panic. (It's definitely not post-wedding depression, since I'm loving life and my husband, and we're both oh so happy with our chill nights in together.) Miss Lamb recently baaaa-ttled out a very similar issue when she wrote about people pleasing, and the role it's played in her wedding planning -- and I'm thinking it's coming into play here, at least in the back of my own mind. I mean, aren't I supposed to be savoring every moment of every day with my husband? Shouldn't I be the personification of marital bliss?
It's just that without a deadline looming in the distance, and a series of projects I've gotta complete by that date...well, I'm a little lost. And (at least for now) a lost Bruschetta feels right at home in front of the telly.
So, hive, can you help me get out of my rut? Married bees and readers: Anyone else experience something similar to what I'm describing here? If so, how did you shake these feelings and get on with life as normal? And to the to-be-married crew: What are you looking forward to doing post-wedding to fill the "no more planning!" void?
Are you coming back to the blog soon?